Holidays can be one of the most sorrowful periods in our lives as the memories of treasured moments spent with our loves come flooding back. These are some of the times that we most dread. We often feel alone, and our pain can be even more intense. Oh, how we wish they could be here with us again, enjoying each other’s company and laughing and chatting again.

Would you be shocked to learn that our loved ones in Heaven actually do come around to spend those special holidays with us?

“What?” you might say. “How can you know this for sure?”

In my spiritual bereavement support work since 1998, I have observed time and again that holidays and special occasions are when our loved ones will very  often give us “signs” from heaven to let us know they are around us, loving us, and comforting us.

These signs may be in the form of happy and vivid dreams; the strong aroma of a scent associated with them; a special song connected to them suddenly comes on. You may just “happen” to come across a forgotten card or gift from your loved one even though you were not intentionally looking for it.

These are just a few of the many ways that our loved ones let us know they are celebrating the holidays with us, and that they are like angels on our shoulders now. Because these signs are often experienced after prayer, I believe they are a gift from God to replace our heart’s sorrow with tender moments of joy.

Christine Duminiak

Christine Duminiak has been in the field of spiritual bereavement support since 1998. She is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, radio co-host and author. Christine has appeared on The Fox & Friends TV Show, Good Day Philadelphia, The God Squad TV Show, NBC's Arizona Midday Show, NBC's The 10! Show, the Fox News Strategy Room, NBC and CBS News in Philadelphia, Open To Hope TV, Coast To Coast AM, The Medical View with Dr. Beth DuPree, Open To Hope with Drs. Gloria and Heidi Horsley and other radio shows around the country. -- A Certified Grief Recovery® Specialist -- Author of “Grammy Visits From Heaven” , "Grandpa Visits From Heaven,"Heaven Talks To Children" ,"After-Death Communications; God's Gift of Love”; co-author of Grief Diaries: Hello From Heaven. She is a contributor to the Grief Diaries Anthologies (AlyBlue Media). -- An International Spiritual Bereavement Recovery Facilitator -- Radio co-host of Ask the Angels on BlogTalkRadio -- The Founder of Prayer Wave for ADC’s--a non-denominational grief support and prayer group. -- A contributing writer to Open To Hope Foundation. -- The music composer and voice of the guided meditation CD, “Meditation of God’s Love and Healing--For Those Who Grieve ©.” Christine travels around the country teaching about afterlife signs at her "Signs From Heaven" (after-death communication seminars) and co-conducts with Sunni Welles their "Bridges to Heaven—For Those Who Grieve Seminars". Duminiak has given talks to The National Conference of The Compassionate Friends, National Gathering of Bereaved Parents of U.S.A., MADD, Rotary Clubs, children's groups and general bereavement groups. She has counseled Veterans and Gold Star Families. A Certified Reflexologist and a Certified Energy Healing Practitioner, Duminiak has volunteered her time and skills to hospice and cancer patients, for women in crisis pregnancies shelters, and for women transitioning from substance abuse shelters.

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