New Normal After a Son’s Suicide

Five years after my son’s suicide, I stood at my picture window and smiled at the snowbirds that hovered around the feeder. They spit fluff from the seeds and it floated down, scattering hulls on the ground. A flit of wings and a brown sparrow darted along the grass. After the snowbirds left, I became surprised the sparrow didn’t fly to the food. It continued to eat what fell from the other birds’ beaks. I pitied the feathered creature. It had failed to see there was now room to eat from the bird feeder.

Spiritually, I was like the sparrow.

I determined on that day to turn the corner of a New Normal. Of course, up to that point, I had a lot of help along the way. Friends, family, and even strangers gave me encouragement, and all of them came from the Lord. I especially remembered a fine woman who made sure the Compassionate Friends newsletter circulated in our area. Joshua, my son, had been gone under a year, as we two women sat on the grass at a park. I told her I had not slept more than three hours a night. I confessed to her, “I feel like I am losing my mind.”

That dear lady told me, “This is normal.” My mouth opened and I gawked at her. She explained that for a time, she felt the same way after her son died by suicide. “Soon,” she assured, “these feelings will pass.” She told me the grieving process is hard work and lack of sleep will worsen matters.

Spiritual Armor and Prayer

Now, as I watched the sparrow, I grew dissatisfied to eat the leftovers of Fear and Dismay. I took a deep breath. My worst challenge would be to stop the flashbacks of my son’s death. Or at least, not feeling the horror. An idea came to me, then. What if I were to practice the scripture of Ephesians 6:11, that we are to put on the spiritual armor of God? Would it truly help me if I prayed about that every day? Would I overcome the flashbacks?

With arms crossed, I also made a decision. Holding onto some things would only serve to hinder God’s plan for my life.  At that moment, I even let Joshua go.

Oh, I don’t mean the beautiful memories of Joshua’s laughter and our conversations, or the fun we had baking in the kitchen. And I will never let slip away the joy of knowing him for twenty-five years. I had to release his actual death and the years of torment after.

It’s been one year since God used birds to show me that my soul could fly. Daily, I march on with full armor, and with increasing gratitude; I aim to show the great things God has done.

Jean Ann Williams 2011

Read more from Jean Ann Williams on Open to Hope: The Year of Firsts – Open to Hope

Check out Jean Ann’s latest book at God’s Mercies after Suicide: God’s Mercies after Suicide: Blessings Woven through a Mother’s Heart: Williams, Jean Ann: 9798986847511: Books


Jean Williams

Jean Williams, a freelance writer, lost her young adult son Joshua to suicide in 2004. She lives in Southern Oregon in a mountain valley community where she works on short stories for adults and novels for young people. She grows a large garden on an acre of land with her husband, who is a retired police detective. Jean is the mother of three grown children and grandmother of 12. Jean has been a practicing Christians for 38 years and owes her life to God. Many times after Joshua's death, Jean wished she could join her son in the afterlife, but her faith in God kept her on earth. The last few years have been filled with joy, as Jean reaches out to help others through their grief process.

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