“Kerie, get your butt out of the air.” “Kerie, enjoy what you’re doing at the time you are doing it.” These are the two sentences I heard most growing up. The first because I loved gymnastics and drove my father mad doing cartwheels and back-handsprings any time I found enough room on the ground. The second, because I would inevitably pout and roll my eyes after being forced to make the most out of the moment – regardless of being told I couldn’t do what I wanted to do.

True story: My grandmother still tells of how she knew I was doing flips in the aisle next to her in the grocery store because she heard a man scolding his child by saying, “Get your butt out of the air.” Yes, I did push my father’s limits!

As silly as this advice may seem, both pieces of advice have saved my life. I remember Dad’s words playing over and over again in my head during the darkest days after my husband’s suicide: Kerie, remember to enjoy what you’re doing at the time you’re doing it. Kerie, don’t fall down. Be strong, because you gotta keep your butt out of the air.

Even now that I’m not faced with grief and heartache, it is rare a day that I’m not confronted with a task I simply don’t want to do. Thanks to my dad, I find the strength to keep making the most out of each and every moment. Sometimes it may be all I can do to simply keep my feet on the ground and my butt out of the air after a difficult day, or choosing to dance instead of complain while my daughter plays Justin Bieber for the hundredth time. When I really feel overloaded, I might even give myself permission to leave the beds unmade to alleviate stress! I know, shocking right?

In the end, my dad’s advice has helped me overcome the unimaginable to create a beautiful life. His words continue to keep me upright as I make the most out of even those not-so-good moments by reminding me that, like it or not, I alone have the power to make the most of my world. I hope his words can do the same for you.

Have a great day, and when times are hard, remember to keep your butt out of the air!

~Kerie Boshka 2012

Kerie Boshka

Author and motivational speaker Kerie Boshka has dedicated herself to helping others rebuild a life once one experiences terrible loss, confusion, loneliness, and a very unexpected turn in their road. Kerie is known for her dynamic and engaging speaking style and conducts workshops for a variety of audiences. In addition, she's the author of the newly released 5-star book If God Cares So Much, Why Do I Still Hurt? where she shares her experience of finding true and lasting happiness after overcoming her husband's suicide. Kerie has led workshops in Metropolitan New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Texas. She currently lives in Connecticut with her husband and three children.

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