Open to Hope Articles

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Is Grief a Natural State?

Posted on March 3, 2023 - by Brian Smith

Consider this. If we didn’t love, we wouldn’t grieve. Your grief is a sign of your love. Your love didn’t die when your loved one’s body died. Love endures. The evidence of the survival of love is grief.  Be grateful for the love that continues even though that love means you are now in pain. Love is a Gamble I have a pair of sneakers with a graphic saying “Love is a gamble.” I bought them years ago. I had no idea of the depth of meaning of that phrase until Shayna passed. My love for her was a tremendous […]

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Will I Ever Feel Again? Numbness and Suicide

Posted on February 27, 2023 - by Brian Smith

During the early stages of grief, you might notice that you can’t feel, and you may ask yourself: Will I ever feel again? This emotional numbness is normal and will pass. This emotional anesthesia is a protection provided by shock because you cannot handle everything at once. You probably have responsibilities like funeral arrangements to get through. You very well might go on auto-pilot and continue to function “normally’ until you can’t anymore. You might not cry at the funeral and wonder what is wrong with you. In these early stages, you may even feel guilty because you don’t think […]

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Why We Grieve

Posted on February 24, 2023 - by Brian Smith

Why do we grieve? If loss is a part of life; if death is normal, why do we mourn? I’ve heard grief described as being similar to withdrawal from drugs. We physically crave the person we are missing. Our brains have gotten used to their feel, their smell, everything about them. There is something their physical presence does for us that we become addicted to. When we lack that, it triggers a reaction not unlike drug withdrawal. I believe there is something to this theory, but it doesn’t explain everything associated with grief. Grief and Hope are Linked We don’t […]

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Caring for Yourself During Grief

Posted on February 22, 2023 - by Linda Zelik

Care for Yourself First and foremost, it is essential to take care of yourself when you have suffered a major loss. This is not selfish – it is necessary. It’s similar to a flight attendant telling you to put your oxygen mask on first, then assist your child. If you aren’t able to function, you can’t help those around you. Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself during grief. Here are some ways to care for yourself. Be as compassionate to yourself as you would to a beloved friend who experienced a major loss. Focus on things you can […]

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Grief is Complicated

Posted on February 21, 2023 - by Ilana Estelle

Grief is complicated, it takes time to work through. Losing someone isn’t something you just tell yourself you’re okay with, it’s more complex than that. It’s also not something that should be ignored. Unravelling issues and working through relationships, takes time. Grief is also complex and intertwined, it takes time to adjust. The Workings of the Mind We may never come to understand the workings of the mind, because it is complex. What we all think can differ, but what makes it even more complicated, is the experiences we carry and how we will view the world, through those experiences. […]

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Parental Guilt After Suicide

Posted on February 20, 2023 - by Linda Zelik

Causes of Suicide Complex Suicide is tragically all too common today. And it is one of the most complicated and heartbreaking ways to lose someone you love, especially a child. The causes underlying this tragic act are complex and varied. Many sources report that a mental condition such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or personality disorders may be an underlying cause. Sometimes it is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Additionally, teens and young adults can have mood swings, be impulsive, and lack perspective. They may see no alternative after a significant loss or other stressful life event. A […]

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Are Psychics and Mediums Real?

Posted on February 18, 2023 - by Linda Zelik

Are Psychics and Mediums Real? I had never gone to a psychic before and, honestly, did not believe in them. I now feel differently. Back then, I had just lost my 24-yer-old son, Kevin, when I had the chance to visit a psychic in Sedona, Arizona. The following is my experience. True psychics are able to use extrasensory perception to identify information hidden from the normal senses. Mediums mediate communication between spirits and the living. When someone refers to himself or herself as a “psychic medium,” it is because they claim to have both “gifts.” While visiting friends in Flagstaff, my […]

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About Your Room: Letting Go of a Son’s Belongings

Posted on February 16, 2023 - by Elizabeth Brady

Dismantling the Room Your blue camo backpack hung on the back of your desk chair with your Pittsburgh Penguins baseball cap on top of it for eight years. It was as you left it on the last day of school before the Christmas holidays in 2012. It was September 2020; I was in your room with a mug of dark roast and my phone. We had decided to replace the wall-to-wall carpeting upstairs. The installers were coming the next day and I was on deadline. Both Dad and Iz were out of town. The task of dismantling your room came […]

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Grief Journaling for Valentine’s Day

Posted on February 12, 2023 - by Bunny Bennett

Grief Journaling for Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day, like every holiday while grieving, is a difficult time to get through, especially after the loss of our “Valentine” or spouse.  All of the aisles at the stores overflow with heart balloons, chocolates, flowers and cards celebrating love, and it compounds our feelings of loss and loneliness. However, if we keep in mind that we can still celebrate, it can help us through this time.  Here are some journaling exercises that can be helpful in healing from any kind of loss because they remind us to be grateful for love and to celebrate […]

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Valentine’s Day and Grief are Connected

Posted on February 11, 2023 - by Kelly Grosklags

Valentine’s Day and Grief Valentine’s Day and grief can be a very tender combination. This is a commercialized holiday, and it has a strong presence in the stores, social media, and advertising. There is an emphasis on romance. If you have lost a romantic relationship, this may be an extra painful time. I have also heard from many parents and grandparents that this day brings up pain as their kiddo will not be participating in the Valentine exchange at school. Truly any loss can get activated by this day because there is such an emphasis on being together and celebrating. […]

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