WomenSpeak 2007 – March 9-11, 2007 – San Antonio Convention Center
Posted on February 8, 2007 - by admin
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Read MoreDear Carol: While I did not see this commercial, it sounds completely inappropriate.? Thank you for bringing it to my attention, as you pointed out depression and suicide are very serious problems in this country and not something to make fun of.? I just e-mailed GMC. Thank-you for making a difference, Keith is touching lives even though he is no longer here. Sincerely, Heidi Horsley, PsyD, MSW, MS Columbia University – Adjunct Professor Radio Show CO-Host – http://thegriefblog.com/ FDNY-CSU/Columbia University Family Guidance Program – http://fdnycolumbia.org/new/
Read MoreDear Heidi, ? I am a survivor of suicide. My son Keith took his own life on March 29, 1999 at that time I knew nothing about depression the number one cause of suicide. ? I have been trying to help stop the stigma that accompanies the word suicide. Depression is the leading cause of suicide. A depressed person may feel hopeless and see no reason to live. ? In the 2nd quarter of the Super Bowl there was a commercial from GMC about a robot that was no longer needed for his job so he jumped off a bridge. […]
Read MoreValerie Sobel is founder and president of the Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation that bears the name of her beloved teenage son who died of an inoperable brain tumor. She believes that the life she now has was born with the death of her son. Her prior careers are eclipsed by the passion and the power of the current work of the Foundation. The mission of ASRLF is to help those single caregivers that are experiencing the devastation of the life-threatening disease of their child and are without the emotional and financial privileges that she had during Andre’s illness. […]
Read MoreNOTE:? For all of you that missed Eric Hipple he will be on the show on March 15th.? Eric was very sorry that he was not able to join us on? February 1st.? Gloria I was looking forward to listening to your last scheduled guest and hope you can have him on in the near future. I did however get so much out of your own story and your conversation with Heidi. I so agree with the fact that those who die outside of a hospital or hospice setting get so little immediate support. I too was told by a […]
Read MoreSince the airing of a General Motors advertisement during last Sunday?s Super Bowl, which featured a GM factory robot who gets laid off, becomes depressed and then attempts suicide, our Foundation has been inundated with calls and emails about the offensive nature of the ad. Our position is that this ad is insensitive to people who have lost a loved one to suicide. Further, while the commercial stresses GM?s ?obsession with quality,? we feel the ad showed carelessness by portraying suicide as a viable option when someone fails or loses their job. This is the wrong message to send to […]
Read MoreMy project putting up a new twin website www.twinlesstwins.org feels like it finally has some completion. It was a year long project for me and I am finally getting back into the groove of my regular work schedule. We are seeing results and new twins in need of support are contacting our organization. I met many wonderful people while doing research to obtain articles on giref, sibling and twin loss. ? Please visit: http://twinlesstwins.org ? There are additional resource articles which are not visible without a membership to TTSGI, along with other pages for members only. The web store is […]
Read MoreFor Valerie Sobel, life imploded when doctors found that her 17-year old son Andre had a brain tumor.? He died one year later.? In trying to decide how best to memorialize Andre, Valerie thought about the financial resources that had enabled her to spend that final year with him.? Wanting others to have this same opportunity Valerie founded the Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation (www.andreriveroflife.org ).? The Foundation supports everything from food and shelter to ballet lessons for a patient?s sibling. ?We try to be sensitive to what government can never be expected to support,? notes Ms. Sobel.? ?Our […]
Read MoreThe unimaginable has happened; you are a widow or widower. Mourning your loss has been the focus of your life for the past year or two. Finally, as you begin to surface from your profound grief, with a deep breath and lot or a little trepidation you find yourself falling in love again. Is this new relationship fraught with landmines? You bet! Here are important stepping stones to help keep you afloat along the way, Dos and Don’ts as it were for widows/widowers beginning a new, loving relationship.
Read MoreThe unimaginable has happened; you are a widow or widower. Mourning your loss has been the focus of your life for the past year or two. Finally, as you begin to surface from your profound grief, with a deep breath and lot or a little trepidation you find yourself falling in love again. Is this new relationship fraught with landmines? You bet! Here are important stepping stones to help keep you afloat along the way, Do?s and Don?ts as it were for widows/widowers beginning a new, loving relationship.
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