Rebecca Guevara

It has been many years since my brother took his life, and the results can still be felt in our family. We have all grown and adjusted to it, but it took a long time. Since then I have become an author, teacher and presenter of writing. My newest book is Blossoms of the Lower Branches, a Hero's Journey Through Grief. Memoir, myth, literature and fairy tales are combined to show the age old journey grievers pass through. My blog is


Open to  hope

Sister Honors Brother and Herself by Recovering from Loss

A surprising secret about grief is it can become like a good friend, comfortable and routine. My only sibling, a younger brother, took his life years ago and for many years, I suffered like many people do. Grief was my life, and living well enough to appear okay to others was a great effort. But eventually I wanted a peaceful settling with sadness and freedom of spirit to be more lighthearted. Spontaneously I began more openly laughing with friends or humming while preparing a a picnic with my husband and son. On a dark winter’s morning, warm from a shower, […]

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Open to  hope

Don’t Let a Loss Make You Give Up Your Dreams

If you had asked me after my brother took his own life if I held revenge or a need for justice in my heart, I would have told you no. I was too broken, my emotional core was in too many pieces, and most of my feelings surrounded sadness. I would have said such deep sadness cannot hold the anger necessary for revenge or to seek justice. But it was tucked deep inside me and it aimed at my own heart. What I was blind to was this: Just before he died I was really, sincerely beginning to push diligently […]

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