Annette Gonzalez

Annette Gonzalez is a lifelong Floridian and was raised in West Tampa, a Latin neighborhood. As a child, she was nurtured in this cultural environment and it influenced her desire to be a writer, speaker, and storyteller. She graduated from the University of South Florida in 1970 with a B.A. degree in sociology. She married Terry DeLisle and they have two sons, Jared and Jacques. In February 2006, when Annette struggled with coping with the loss of her mother, she began documenting her feelings. Five months later, her father passed away. This is when she began to write and speak publicly about her parents’ deaths. Annette believes that we need to treasure our parents while they are alive and honor them when they have passed.


Open to  hope

Writing Poem Helps Woman Honor Mother and Granddaughter

My first granddaughter was born two months premature. My son and daughter-in-law gave her my mother’s name as her middle name. She weighed two pounds, six ounces when she was born. While in the hospital neonatal intensive care unit, all the nurses claimed she was feisty and eager for life. This was no surprise to me because she had my mother’s name. My mother passed away September 2006. She was a role model, a mentor, a confident and most of all she had a lust for life. I miss her every day but somehow I know that her spirit will […]

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Open to  hope

What To Say When Someone’s Parent Has Died

By Annette Gonzalez — My parents died within five months of one another.  This was a most difficult time in my life, and I was looking to family and friends for strength and comfort. At my parents’ funerals, people would say things to me that were of no comfort. In fact, some of their words made me feel worse.  I’m sure that these people did not want to be insensitive; it’s just difficult to know what to say.  Sometimes the right words of comfort elude us.  I believe at times, it is appropriate to say nothing. I remember people telling […]

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Open to  hope

‘Adult Orphans’ Need Not Lose Connection With Parents

By Annette Gonzalez — I am an adult orphan. I’m not anyone’s child anymore. Both my parents have died. There is no smooth transition from being a child in the family to becoming an orphan. One day you have parents and the next day you don’t. It’s quite a revelation to know that there is no one to approve or disapprove of your actions anymore. You are it! It is also hard to face that I now represent the older generation. I was the oldest child and the oldest grandchild in my family. I am now the oldest adult. It […]

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