Anna Huckabee Tull

An accomplished psychologist with a master’s degree in Applied Psychology and Spiritual Psychology, Anna has a natural gift for cutting straight to the meaningful center of feelings, emotions, and stories. In addition to receiving the prestigious Future Charters Award for Superior Songwriting, Anna’s soulful compositions have enjoyed radio airplay from her hometown of Boston, Mass., to Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, the Caribbean, and beyond. Anna authored the long-running Songwriter’s monthly song-crafting column, “Anna Huckabee Tull On…” Her commissioned works have been performed live by villagers in Africa, by children's choirs in Australia, at weddings, christenings, and Services of Remembrance throughout the US and beyond, and in living rooms like yours, where one amazing person who cares, dares to share a song with one other--composed just for them.


Open to  hope

Songwriter Helps Mother Let Son Go

Of all the songs I have ever been invited to compose, to assist with healing around a loss, the story of little 4-year-old Alex is the one that most deeply touched my heart. One day I got a call from Aimee, who had spent almost all of her family’s income on medical bills for her very ill little son Alex. When she called, asking me to compose a song for his memorial service (he had been given about a month to live), I somehow could feel in my bones that a month was more than we really had. No time, […]

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Open to  hope

Creating Bereavement Songs Comforting to Families, Songwriter

I think I have the greatest job in the world. I get to sit across from people—people lost in profound, life-altering pain—and listen carefully to every word they say as they share their stories of life, loss, and memories. I get to take those stories and translate them into a different wavelength—a wavelength that, when they hear it, allows them to begin to heal, breathe from a deeper place, and start to know that even this most painful moment in their lives can eventually offer up some peace. And that “wavelength” is the wavelength of song. It is beyond my […]

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Open to  hope

An Introduction to the World of Commissioned Songwriting for the Bereaved

Most people don’t even know that it is possible to commission a song, but it is. I have custom-created songs for individuals for twelve years now, and while I have composed and recorded songs for more topics than you can imagine (new baby, wedding song, a song to psych someone up to clean their office, a song for a tribe someone visited in Ghana, Africa) I have found, over and over again, that the area I am most drawn to compose for has to do with end-of-life. Sometimes people come to me because they are struggling with a life-threatening illness […]

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