Barbara Roberts

BARBARA M. ROBERTS has a degree in pastoral care and family counseling from Regis University, and she has been in the field of caring for those who hurt for many years. Her teaching and speaking, as well as one-on-one caregiving and pastoral counseling, have given her broad experience and exposure to the needs of others. "Listening, sharing in another's pain, and being privileged to pray with that person is a gift that God has given to me. I am blessed to be able to use the gift for what I hope continues to be to His glory." Barb was called by God at a very young age. Even as a young girl, her heart desired to know God and to serve Him. She is a Colorado native who grew up in the Denver area and has stayed close to home. In 1961, she married her husband, Ken, and her greatest joys involve her family -- husband, three children, and their amazing spouses, and nine grandchildren.


Open to  hope

Grief Leads to Deeper Understanding of God

Every day, we and those around us experience loss, change, and transitions that we must grieve.  Grief is intense emotional suffering caused by loss, and while it is normal, it involves hard work.  Does that surprise you – that grief not only equals loss, but it involves hard grief work as well? Grief often begins with shock, whether it involves loss of life, loss of relationship, loss of livelihood, loss of the person’s living situation, or loss of health.  There may be emotional or physical symptoms as well.  Some people openly express their grief; others show no emotion.  Perhaps you […]

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Open to  hope

Hints for Making it Through the Holidays

The holidays are coming, and this may be your first or second without your loved one.  What do you do to get through this huge wave, this tsunami, looming before you?  How do you cope when every time you turn on the radio in your car, turn on the television, go to the market, you see those around you with an intact family, with a holiday smile, and you are literally crumbling inside? There is no right or wrong way to respond when grieving – particularly grieving through the Holiday Season!  We and sometimes those in our lives have the […]

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Open to  hope

How Long is Too Long to Grieve?

Is there some magic amount of time to grieve a death, or the break up of a relationship, the break up of a family, loss of a job, financial downturns, loss of a pet?  I’m talking about grief and loss, hurting, struggling, pain, sadness, anger.  How long does it take to “get over” someone or something? Would it be helpful for you to know that grief takes as long as it takes?  I often have people ask me what is a normal time to grieve this. I tell them there is not a formula for grieving.  Certainly experience and coping […]

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Open to  hope

New Year’s Struggles With Grief

We all are programmed to look forward to each New Year.  How many times have you heard, late in the previous year, “I just want this year to be over with.” “I look forward to next year when things will begin anew, things will be better. ” The implication is that the mere change of the calendar 2010 carries with it the assurance that whatever it was in the previous year that was painful WILL be different…WILL be better…problems WILL be solved.  For those of us who have carried that expectation and been disappointed, let me call to your attention a different […]

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