Beryl Kaminsky

Beryl Kaminsky is the author of “Mending the Broken Heart: After Your Child Dies,” an audiobook designed to prepare parents for their journey with grief no matter how old their child was. She is a psychotherapist based in Houston committed to helping people restore balance after their life changes. Having lost both siblings and her father by the time she was a young adult, she uses her personal experience and professional training in assisting those who have lost loved ones. In addition to her private therapy practice, Beryl provides training and support on a variety of mental health issues to hospitals, educational institutions, trade organizations, and small businesses.


Coping With Sibling Loss

Houston, Texas counselor Beryl Kaminsky shares tips for handling sibling loss during the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC) conference. She wrote Mending the Broken Heart: After Your Child Dies, which is also an audiobook. Working through the loss of a sibling can be traumatizing. Growing up in the shadow of sibling loss can put too much pressure on a child, which Kaminsky experienced first-hand as an adolescent. Your parents are grieving, the rest of your family is grieving, and siblings can feel pressure (imagined or not) to keep everyone together. Then, at 27 years old, Kaminsky also lost […]

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Young Adults Coping with Grief

Counselor in Houston, and author of Mending the Broken Heart: After Your Child Dies Beryl Kaminsky, shares with the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC) how young adults can help heal themselves on a grief journey. She works with those dealing with loss and grief, and especially death and dying. Being in your late teens to early 30s and dealing with grief is juxtaposition. This is usually when you’re focusing on yourself, having fun, and starting a family. However, losing a loved one during this time turns everything upside down. This can cause great uncertainty, but grief can also […]

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Open to  hope

Beryl Kaminsky: Journaling to Cope with Grief

Journaling can be a fantastic way to help you down your grieving path, and Beryl Kaminsky shares tips on how to journal from her own experience. As the author of Mending the Broken Heart: After Your Child Dies, Kaminsky shares with readers how she used journaling in her own healing process as a bereaved mother. She’s a counselor in Houston, Texas who specializes in working with the bereaved. She recommends to all of her clients that they journal about what they’re going through. It’s effective, affordable, but most people resist it. Everyone wants to feel better, but they also want […]

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Open to  hope

Christmas ‘Gifts’ Never the Same After Sister’s Death

Nothing that can be wrapped in a box could ever compare to the “gift” of my older sister, Dawn.  I still miss her keenly around the holidays, but I am thankful that she was a part of my childhood.  Today, as Christmas approaches, holiday memories poignantly remind me of how love, life and loss can redefine the true meaning of “Christmas gifts.” Christmas was always a formal affair in my home growing up. We took turns opening gifts one at a time—the excitement and curiosity excruciating for a child.  Still, my mother had a talent for making events quite special.  […]

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Open to  hope

Loss During Young Adulthood May Make One Feel Old

By Beryl Kaminsky — The young adult years — ranging from late teens to early thirties — span a period of life when most people are self-centered.  Life is all about gaining independence, finding oneself, having a good time or starting relationships.  Death is the farthest thing from a young person’s mind. As a result, when young adults lose a loved one, they often suddenly feel “old” and out of sync with peers who have not experienced significant losses. The depths of grief create feelings of aloneness and isolation, and “having fun” seems empty. Friends may want to help but, […]

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