Brea Behn

Writing is not only my career, it has become my perfect outlet for my grief and my happy place. I have written several books, including a memoir for my twin brother which I started at the age of fifteen, a three book science fiction series and many short stories related to marriage, raising kids with special needs, and my journey through many health problems, including brain surgery for Chiari malformation. My dream is to pursue inspirational speaking about grieving by sharing my story and teaching others proper ways to grieve and to show them it is possible to heal and find peace, happiness, and joy. In my latest literary creation, Death Sucks, Life Doesn't Have To, I also share how I healed physically in addition to healing emotionally and how others can too. I have prepared a power point presentation about the main points of my book, such as how to escape depression, how to appropriately handle stress, and how to show readers that if I can suffer such a horrific and tragic loss and still find happiness, they can too. I am currently looking for the opportunity to utilize it in several different public speaking opportunities. I live in rural Wisconsin with my husband Kurt and our two children who I homeschool. When I am not writing or chasing kids I love to travel, garden, watch movies and of course read. I love to learn and am usually reading several books at the same time, including one for pleasure, one for learning, and one for bettering my parenting skills. I am also very active in my local church.


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