Carol Loehr

Carol Loehr is the author of My Uncle Keith Died (Trafford), which addresses children’s questions about suicide and depression. Carol’s only son, Keith Loehr, died at the age of 29 by suicide in 1999. Carol has been an elementary and special-education teacher. She created and continues to maintain, a web site to help comfort and educate survivors of suicide, as well as clergy, health care professionals, and counselors. Carol appeared on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” discussing “Honoring a Child Who Died By Suicide.” To hear Carol being interviewed on this show by Dr. Gloria & Dr. Heidi Horsley, click on the following link:


Open to  hope

Depression in the Workplace Can Be Fatal

with workplace commentary by Sandra Turner, Ph.D In the early morning hours on March 29, 1999, our son Keith died by suicide. Keith suffered from depression caused by the stress he experienced in his place of work—a company where he had worked for only a short seven months of his life. Growing up, Keith was full of life; he was a boy who was always able to conquer anything he set his mind to do. Keith’s zest for life was evident even as a young boy on the ice—trying his new skates when he was not quite three years old. […]

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Open to  hope

Going Beyond Thinking

We all use our minds to try to understand why our children died. I am no different; when our son Keith died, I continued to ask that endless question—Why? Throughout my pursuit for answers, my niece Juli and her son Cody helped me realize that maybe I was not looking at all possibilities—just maybe I would have to go beyond my own realm of understanding. As Juli shared some of Cody’s spiritual experiences with me, I found it would take a child to help me break through the spiritual barriers that I, as an adult, had created. Cody was only […]

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Open to  hope

Memories of a Son’s Birthday Cards to Mom

It is almost my birthday and with all the birthday cards, why am I so sad? My husband always makes me feel as if my birthday is a big celebration and I have two amazing daughters who try to make this day very special for me. Cindy always makes her own cards and Carrie always finds the perfect card, meant just for me. But something is missing, a card from my son, Keith. Our son Keith died in 1999. I remember one card from Keith. Keith was in his senior year at UCLA and was recovering from a fall, from […]

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Open to  hope

Suicide Survivor Seeks Solace

Suzanne, the mother of a young woman who died from suicide, gave me permission to share her article. — Carol Loehr It has now been two years (November 16, 2009) since my sweet Jessica died from suicide. Each day, I fight back the tears of her loss and try to “get on with life,” but late at night I find the tears rolling at will down my face. I have been reading web posts about suicide, and I can’t help but feel for the other survivors of suicide who open their hearts and share about their loved one lost. It is […]

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Open to  hope

Nephew Has Special Bond With Deceased Uncle

  We all use our minds to try to understand why our children died. I am no different; when our son Keith died, I continued to ask that endless question—Why? Throughout my pursuit for answers, my niece Juli and her son Cody helped me realize that maybe I was not looking at all possibilities—just maybe I would have to go beyond my own realm of understanding.  As Juli shared some of Cody’s spiritual experiences with me, I found it would take a child to help me break through the spiritual barriers that I, as an adult, had created.  Cody was […]

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Open to  hope

Son’s 40th Birthday Would Have Been Today

Our son Keith died when he was almost 30 years old; that was 10 years ago. Today, May 20, 2009, he would have been 40 years old. As Keith’s birthday approached, I wondered what he would have accomplished in the last 10 years. Keith loved the outdoors, so I can still see him fishing, running, hiking, skating, skiing and scuba diving. However, I know how much Keith loved children, so if he was not married, with children of his own, he would be working with children that needed a Big Brother.  I can also see Keith working with young children, […]

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Open to  hope

Wristbands Educate Public About Causes of Suicide

By Carol Loehr — My son, Keith, was 29 years old when he died by suicide. Suicide is a frightening word and it is not only ignorance but also fear and stigma that keep people from understanding why someone would take their life. In a survey by the USA’s National Institute of Mental Health, it was discovered that 90 percent of Americans who died by suicide suffered from severe depression. Only about half received any treatment, and only half of those who did, received the right treatment. Studies indicate that the most promising way to prevent suicide and suicidal behavior […]

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Open to  hope

Mother Recalls Cherished Valentine From Son

By Carol Loehr — It was Valentine’s Day and Keith was five years old. We talked about Valentine’s Day, but Keith forgot the day was special for his mother. I gently reminded him that I didn’t get a Valentine from my special son. Keith just smiled, with those twinkling eyes and said, “Wait just a minute Mom.” He ran up the stairs to his room and within minutes, he was back down. He had made a Valentine’s Day card for me. The card was a simple red heart and it said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom!” Inside the card Keith wrote: […]

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Open to  hope

The Gift of Keith – Today is His Birthday


?Today we remember Keith on his birthday.? We give thanks for the Gift of Keith.
Please find time to enjoy the outdoors and say hello to Keith. (Look for dragonflies!)
Keith’s Mom and Dad
The following is from an article posted on August 16, 2007 which?can be of help and comfort to other suicide survivors.? You might also […]

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