Carol Loehr

Carol Loehr is the author of My Uncle Keith Died (Trafford), which addresses children’s questions about suicide and depression. Carol’s only son, Keith Loehr, died at the age of 29 by suicide in 1999. Carol has been an elementary and special-education teacher. She created and continues to maintain, a web site to help comfort and educate survivors of suicide, as well as clergy, health care professionals, and counselors. Carol appeared on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” discussing “Honoring a Child Who Died By Suicide.” To hear Carol being interviewed on this show by Dr. Gloria & Dr. Heidi Horsley, click on the following link:


Open to  hope

Website for Understanding Suicide & Depression

Carol Ann Loehr On March 29, 1999, our son Keith died by suicide. At the time of his death I had no knowledge of suicide, and I was inundated with inaccurate and outdated descriptions of suicide and its causes. I have created a website as a memorial to my son, and also for information to help comfort and educate survivors of suicide, as well as clergy, health care professionals and counselors. People who have been dealing with depression or have suffered a loss from a suicide have found this website a safe and comforting source of information. I […]

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Open to  hope

Love and Connections Beyond Death by Suicide

We all use our minds to try to understand why our children died. I am no different; when our son Keith died, I continued to ask that endless question, “Why?” Throughout my pursuit for answers, my niece Juli and her son Cody helped me realize that maybe I was not looking at all possibilities–just maybe I would have to go beyond my own realm of understanding. As Juli shared some of Cody’s spiritual experiences with me, I found it would take a child to help me break through the spiritual barriers that I, as an adult, had created. Cody was […]

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Open to  hope

The Gift of Keith

Dear Friends, As you may know, our son Keith Loehr died by suicide in 1999. Since then, Carol has created and maintained a website to help those who have suffered a loss by suicide and to help counselors and clergy better understand depression and suicide. Carol has just recently published “My Uncle Keith Died” which is a children’s book to help families and children understand depression and understand the importance of talking about their feelings and getting help for people (especially children) who are depressed. Unfortunately, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA among adolescents and […]

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