Erin Leigh Nigh

Erin Leigh Nigh is a lover of books, fountain drinks, and baking cakes. She lives with two bunnies and three cats who do their best to make her laugh every day. Her most recent book is 'Four Corners: A Practical Memoir About Siblings, Grief, And Learning How To Carry On Without Letting Go' and you can find her at


What I Didn’t Lose When My Brother Died

Siblings are Forever The relationship we share with our siblings can be the longest-lasting relationship we will ever have. If you’re an older sibling, you’ve likely known your brother or sister since their birth. If you’re a younger sibling, they’ve been there your entire life. There’s a good chance we might experience more life events and changes with our siblings than with anyone else. Since I am the oldest child in my family and was five years old when I first became a sibling, I remember both being an only child and the birth of each of my three siblings. […]

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