Jacqui Coombe
Jacqui Coombe is a blogger, marketer, wife, and now mum to a beautiful 1-year-old daughter, Lily, and cavoodle puppy, Max. Finding the right work/life balance is always a juggle, but Jacqui loves being able to combine her learnings and insights of parenting with her passion for blogging.
Understanding Compounded Grief and Ways to Cope
There are so many things to enjoy about life. Hand in hand with this enjoyment is the fact that there will sometimes be tough periods in life. These periods will see individuals saying goodbye to family and friends, moving cities, leaving jobs or even losing beloved pets. While everyone will, at some stage of their life, experience grief, this feeling will be processed differently. Some may move through the stages of grief quickly, meanwhile, others seem to flounder. When dealing with grief, it’s important to note the different types of grief that people can experience, the associated symptoms and of […]
Read MoreFinding Purpose and Meaning in Our Older Years
Enrich Your Life with Meaning There’s a common myth that life happens in three stages. That life is linear and that there is a clear path that moves from education to work and family and then on to leisure. Those who follow this path often find their identity changes with each stage, along with their quest for reward and enrichment. Reward and enrichment go hand in hand when it comes to gaining meaning and purpose. Reward is something given to you in recognition of service, effort, or achievement. Enrichment is the action of improving or enhancing the quality or value […]
Read MoreCoping With the Loss of a Beloved Pet
Introduction Our animal family members provide us with joy, loyalty, and unconditional love. The loss of a beloved pet can be an excruciating experience. Despite that, our society can trivialise or even mock the extreme grief that many pet owners suffer during their bereavement. This sadness can be as intense as the loss of a partner, close relative, or friend. As research suggests, grief at the passing of a pet can last for months to a year or longer. Due to the fact most pets don’t live as long as their human owners, most owners will experience the loss of […]
Read MoreUnderstanding our Emotions During Grief
There is a common saying in life, ‘nothing lasts forever.’ Unfortunately, this sentiment is true. As such, when we go through loss, whether that loss relates to a job, pet, friend or family member, some common emotions begin to surface. Understanding our emotions during grief will help us heal. Tangled up in loss are often feelings of sadness, grief and even depression. While it can be easy to think that these emotions are interchangeable, that isn’t quite the case. In fact, these three emotional states are quite different. Undoubtedly a heavy topic, it’s still good to understand elements of sadness, […]
Read MoreOpen to Hope is an online community offering inspirational stories of loss, hope and recovery. We believe hope is the bridge between loss and recovery.
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