Jewel Sample

Jewel Sample is a writing grandmother of thirteen children. Sample’s published works include an award-winning children’s book titled, Flying Hugs and Kisses (New Forums Press, Inc; 2010 Second Printing) and Flying Hugs and Kisses Activity Book (New Forums Press, 2010 Second Printing). Hallmark Magazine (November 2007) printed her Heavenly Sugar Cookies story and her favorite sugar cookie recipe. Lastly, a nonfiction story titled, Divine Help and Heaven-Bound Kisses, is in a Christian women's inspirational study guide called, Hugs Bible Reflections for Women (Ferguson, 2009; Howard Books of Simon and Schuster). In her spare time, Jewel loves to go antiquing for old dolls and toys. Most of all, she enjoys the play dates with her grandchildren, who encourage her to tell them a new story before their play date ends. Jewel’s life goal is to inspire children to have hope and to be their very best selves through her story-telling.


Open to  hope

Play Helps Lessen Grief

My grandson, Timothy, pulls his hood around his five-year-old face with the strings left dangling down his chest and his coat unzipped. A sock monkey droops its body half way out of the lime green backpack that bounces along the gravel driveway. Cold drizzle hit us in the face as we hurry to the car and strap our seat belts in place. “I see you have brought a new friend along,” I say. “What is your friend’s name?” “His name is Hiccup. He is visiting me for a whole week, and then I have to take him back to school, […]

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Open to  hope

100 Great Stress Busters for Kids

Stress is the normal nervous tension we feel in our bodies when we are making a transition in our life. Change is sometimes predictable like the birth of a baby, transferring to a higher school grade or graduation from high school. Then there are changes that happen unexpectedly, like coming down with a major illness, being involved in an accident, the sudden death of a loved one; or a disaster strikes like a major flood or fire. These types of life events demand adjustment to life being different from what is now. Some call it a new normal. While we […]

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Open to  hope

What Elizabeth Edwards’ Life and Death Teaches Us

It is often said no one really knows someone until they live with them, so as a part of public observation, I have a view of Elizabeth Edwards that is defined by the media.  I have read a few opinions others have made about her, as well as observed her interviews on public television.  Through these media resources, I have drawn an opinion about her which includes a sense of her compassion for others. When I heard the news of Elizabeth Edward’s death this week, my thoughts went to what I have learned about grief and loss from her public […]

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Open to  hope

7 Tips for Helping Grieving Children

The leaves fall in clusters from the huge branches overhead laying a thick crimson-orange blanket over my yard. School has been in session for a couple of months now, and special family celebrations are fast approaching. Holidays, birthdays and other special occasions are a time when faith, family and friends are what matter most. Bereaved families with children have the challenge of redefining their family celebrations while grieving. It is not uncommon for families to question whether they should participate in their special occasions or just skip it. Non-participation and denying the surviving children an opportunity to take part and […]

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Open to  hope

Creating a Memory Box with Kids

Here’s how to create a memory box to celebrate the life of your loved one. Invite your family and friends to join in too. Place any special memento inside that you and your loved one shared. Or write notes to your loved one about the things you would like to share with them about what you have been up to lately. Elephant Memory Box Prep Time: 1-2 Hours Grade Level: Pre-K & up Collect Materials 1 plastic coffee can 1-roll of gray duck tape 2-rolls of colored duck tape 1-empty paper towel roll or 2-empty toilet paper rolls Scissors Magic […]

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Open to  hope

Poem: I Dream

I Dream Like a ripple in a pond, A whisper in the wind, I dream of how things might have been. Your boyish grin Your manly cleft shaped chin Your chubby cheeks Your soft blue eyes Are dreams of days and weeks gone by. Your first little giggle, Your toes that you wiggled Are memories that whisper now and then. Like a ripple in a pond, A whisper in the wind, I can not help but cling to what you might have been. Watching you take your first step as you eye your favorite toy to get. Would it have been […]

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Open to  hope

Creating a ‘Picture Memory Tree’

By Jewel Sample A holiday or birthday is a great time to create a picture memory tree to celebrate the life of your loved one. Invite your family and friends, particularly children, to join in too. Time: 1-2 hours Grade Level: Pre-K & up Materials Find a small tree branch or purchase a small plant with sturdy branches Small photos of you, your loved one, family and friends Assorted colored construction and printed gift wrapping paper Masking tape 12 inch ruler Hole punch Scissors Glue Ribbon or yarn or string Magic markers Pencil 1-1/3 cups potting soil (will not need […]

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