Kathryn Williams Raths

I have always had creative threads of inspirations in my life. I can fall into an oil pastel drawing like the average person falls into a good book. It is a grounding process, allowing me to lose myself in my work, lose track of time and escape the pressures of everyday life. Unfortunately, I have not spent much of my life devoting time to my heart's desire; writing and exploring my creative impulses. I'm a single mom first and I've been a full-time employee in the business world for over the past 20 years. I’ve earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science. I live in the cornfields of Ypsilanti with my 2 sons, who are thirteen and fourteen, and my boyfriend, a wonderful man whom inspires and supports my dreams. During 2008, I had some life-altering experiences which have given me a new perspective and enabled me to reprioritize my responsibilities. I lost my father and my job, both of which I devoted much love and energy to and truly treasured. In the aftermath of my father's death, I reached deep within my core and wrote my book, What Can I Say When Words Escape Me, being present during times of sorrow. I can only hope these words of encouragement and nature photos touch your heart and up lift and hug your soul as they have for me. I currently write for the Examiner.com, Detroit market as a Healthy Living Reporter, http://www.examiner.com/x-27409-Detroit-Healthy-Living-Examiner. I'm grateful for my life's journey thus far and thankful for a nurturing, fulfilling future that enables me to reach out and help others struggling with hardship. http://still-waters-counseling.com/kathryn-raths-m-a-llpc/


Open to  hope

Grieve Deeply by Breathing Deeply

How come when tragedy strikes, we hear the words, “Time heals”? After suffering and recovering from much hardship, time has been both an ally and enemy. It slowed enough so I could be with my father when he took his last breath, and for this I’m grateful. But four years after his death, the void in my heart hasn’t healed; it’s still as big as the day he died. Each day is another day without him physically. And, time, reflective of each passing calendar day, continuously reminds me of this.  Yes, I’ve been comforted with the belief that when he died, his […]

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Open to  hope

Mark Ireland Recaptured Joy After Loss of Son

Mark Ireland learned how to embrace joy again after suffering the loss of a child. He shared, “My biggest life challenge has been the death of my youngest son, Brandon, in January, 2004. I think it’s fair to say I have overcome the challenge of that painful event, seeing that I lead a fulfilling life and have recaptured joy—something that initially seemed impossible. I still miss Brandon’s physical presence, and occasionally shed tears at unexpected times, yet I’m usually able to keep my focus on happy memories.” Mark continued, “In terms of my spirituality, I’d say this affected me in […]

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Open to  hope

Choose to Live Again; Your Loved One Would Want That

How come when tragedy strikes, we hear the words, “Time heals?” After suffering and recovering from much hardship, time has been both an ally and enemy. Yes, it gifted me the allowance of sharing the moment my father took his last breath and for this I’m grateful but 4 years after his death, the void in my heart hasn’t healed; it’s still as big as the day he died. Each day is another day without him physically. And, time, reflective of each passing calendar day, continuously reminds me of this. Yes, I’ve been comforted with the belief that when he […]

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Open to  hope

Teen Loses Brother to Suicide, Learns to Cope

At the age of 16, Carl David suffered the loss of his 22-year-old brother by suicide.  In his words, “The effects on myself and my family were devastating, beyond description. We had but two choices; to pull together or tear each other apart. We chose the former and used every bit of strength to rebuild our lives. The challenges were monumental as every day was day one. We had to start over with each sunrise because the after-effects were so persistent and the pain so ever-present that at times it seemed insurmountable. We wondered if we would ever be able […]

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Open to  hope

Fear of Death Can Prevent Some From Seeking Medical Care

For some people, a loss brings an awareness of the fragility of one’s own life. During the bereavement process, the loss can magnify the anxieties and fear of death. If you are embracing this mind-set, long-term, it can become toxic to your health. It is critical to overcome such thinking to enable you to live a life full of rich health. There are many people in my life who are stuck in this mode of thinking. Their fear has caused them pain and discomfort on a daily basis because they will not risk any type of medical treatment. The anxiety of an […]

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Open to  hope

Death Anniversary Dates Can Carry Heavy Weight

Dates come and go, but certain ones stick out and carry a dark and heavy weight. The energy of these particular dates are associated with a loss.  This anniversary date forces you into a time warp charged with painful memories of the horrid event.  How can you free yourself from this emotionally exhaustive annual pain?   Start by marking the date with a new and positive tradition. Perhaps if your father passed through VA hospice (like mine), make it an annual tradition to visit a veteran (someone who is grateful for your time).  This might be difficult at first because […]

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Open to  hope

Mother Gradually Recovers from an Easter Loss

Judy Marquette lost her son on Easter eight years ago. For her, this time of year is especially difficult. Spring sets in and new life is gifted in abundance.  It is a time when families gather to enjoy one another and, depending on religious beliefs, offer tribute to the remembrance and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Given her life-altering loss, Judy’s outlook is remarkable. She has renewed and strengthened her faith in God and learned to live again with purpose in the aftermath.  She has channeled her sorrow into the creative outlet of music. I interviewed her recently, and this is […]

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Open to  hope

Farewell to a ‘Transitioning’ Friend

If you have or you are currently sitting bedside of a loved one in hospice, you are probably struggling with accepting the thought and reality of letting your beloved go.  It is a psychological battle that starts by praying for a miracle of life and ends by praying for a miracle of death: “Please, God, end the suffering. ” It is the most traumatic experience I have lived through.  It didn’t seem like I would at the time but I survived this roller coaster of emotions while supporting my dad through his hospice process. As I write this article, I […]

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Open to  hope

Keep Thinking of Your Loved One Through Holidays

As the weather turns, many of us dread the thought of the upcoming holidays.  Perhaps it marks another year without our dearly missed loved one.  It forces social gatherings upon us and maybe even uncomfortable discussions regarding our lost loved ones.  This year, my Dad’s birthday actually falls on Thanksgiving.  I lost him to cancer in 2008 and my Thanksgivings haven’t been the same since. I realized this last year that I have to accept they are not going to be the same.  It was time for me to let go of my expectation that my Dad will be there […]

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Open to  hope

Woman Loses Organs to Cancer, Still Revels in Life

I want to tell you the story of Louella Gaines from Ypsilanti, Michigan, who has persevered through many bouts of cancer, during which she has lost a lung, a kidney, her female organs, and many areas of her skin. May you find some strength from the insightful words from this remarkable woman, someone who continues to triumph over tragedy. In her own words, she is “a tough lady!” Louella’s heartbreak started early in life with the loss of her mother at the age of three. Being the youngest of ten children, she was fortunate to be loved and taken care […]

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