Kay Bevington

Kay Bevington, a bereaved mother of an only child who died just prior to her sixteenth birthday, has been active in the bereavement community since 1980. In 1990, the Bevingtons founded Alive Alone, an international organization for parents with no surviving children. A bi-monthly periodical is published and a website, www.alivealone.org is available. Kay was a guest on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” talking about “Being a Parent without Living Children.” To hear Kay being interviewed by Dr. Gloria & Dr. Heidi Horsley, click on the following link: www.voiceamericapd.com/health/010157/horsley082307.mp3


Open to  hope

Holidays — Survival or Defeat?

The forthcoming holidays are often the most difficult times of the year for bereaved parents, now childless. I have some suggestions that will hopefully assist you during this season. My husband and I have attempted some of the following since our daughter, Rhonda, died and others are ideas from other bereaved friends. YOU WILL SURVIVE the HOLIDAYS! Those first few years of bereavement cause us to think that we’ll certainly die without our child/children. You may not be able to ENJOY the holiday but rest assured that there will be a day in your future when you’ll be able to […]

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Open to  hope

Serious Personal Illnesses After the Death of a Child

At the time of the death of our child, we think and feel that our world will certainly end and we often want to die and be ‘with our children’. It does not matter if we have a wonderful relationship with a spouse, surviving children, family members, friends or a career; we just want to be with our deceased child. For the first several months and sometimes even years, bereaved parents may have a self death wish and would welcome the diagnosis of a serious or terminal illness.  Fortunately, after doing years of grief work, we are able to reinvest […]

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Open to  hope

Elizabeth Edwards Demonstrated Grace in Grief

Elizabeth Edwards was not afraid to share her grief journey with others, and bereaved parents could relate to her as she was genuine.  I had the opportunity to meet her and also hear her speak at the TCF Conference in Oklahoma City, Okla., a few years ago. Parents appreciated her openness and willingness to talk to everyone.  She made her pilot and entourage wait at the airport until she had signed every book and talked to each bereaved parent.  Ministering to and being with others like herself was more important to her than political commitments.  How many politicians and or […]

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Open to  hope

Surviving the Holidays After Losing an Only Child

After losing an only child, surviving each day is so very painful and difficult for single parents, and holidays make it even more excruciating.  It may seem that there is no one with whom you can truly share the joy of the holiday.  Everyone else seems to have families who are intact and have a reason to celebrate.  The dark cloud of loneliness seems to pervade everything we do, everywhere we go, and even our inner self. We might want to rip the pages off the holiday calendar, go to bed and sleep away the days and nights that involve any […]

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