Kirsti Dyer

Dr. Kirsti A. Dyer MD, MS, FT, CWS is a respected physician, grief & loss expert, professional health educator, professor, college instructor, lecturer, author and former NICU parent. She received her Medical and Master’s Degrees from the Universi ty of California, Davis. Dr. Dyer was the first physician to become a recognized Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement from the Association for Death Education and Counseling, She is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, a Board Certified Expert in Bereavement Trauma and also in Traumatic Stress as well as a Nationally Certified Bereavement Facilitator. Dr. Dyer has an extensive list of professional and online publications. She has created and taught professional and graduate courses to physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, other health care providers, members of the clergy and spiritual advisors in the areas of grief, loss, bereavement, trauma and facing life challenges. She has presented at medical conferences within the United States as well as in London, Heidelberg and Victoria. Her interests in life challenges, web-education, self-help and encouraging the healing process following a loss culminated in creating the Journey of Hearts, website to educate people about the normal grief response. Since 1997 thousands of people worldwide have been helped with the resources available at this online healing place for anyone who has ever experienced a loss. In addition to her interests in grief, loss, bereavement and trauma, Dr. Dyer also has an active interest in wellness promotion. She is a Fellow of the American College of Wellness, a founding member of the Medical Wellness As sociation and a member the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Since having her daughters her professional focus has shifted from clinical practice to education, wellness and health promotion. Dr. Dyer teaches online Graduate course in Bereavement as an Associate Adjunct Professor in the Department of Hospice and Palliative Studies for Madonna University. Dr. Dyer also teaches Nutrition and Wellness for Columbia College as a Part-time Instructor in the Biological Sciences Departmen


Open to  hope

The Physical Aspects of Loss

People experience many losses in their lifetime. The most common loss is the death of a loved one, but people experience other losses e.g. loss of a relationship, loss of a job or loss of health. Most of these losses result in some type of a grief response. Grief is the entire body’s response to the loss–mind, body and spirit. A person grieving a loss may feel grief in many different ways–physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and intellectually. He or she may experience a variety of body complaints that include: Fatigue Problems sleeping (insomnia) General aches and pain Backaches Stomach pains […]

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Open to  hope

Taking a Risk to Bloom in the Spring

Dr. Kirsti A. Dyer MD, MS, CWS — After the long winter comes the warm days of spring to melt away the enshrouding white blanket of grief. The once white landscape is altered turning into bright fields of multi-hued wildflowers, as the lands and animals awaken from their long winter’s sleep into springtime and life. Without a doubt, spring is my favorite season; it is a time of rebirth and renewal. The beauty in this time of year can be used to help those living with loss. Poets and writers have used imagery of the changing seasons to explain loss, […]

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