Laura Macauley

My name is Laura Macauley. I went to the University of Texas at El Paso and was a javelin thrower for 4 years. After receiving my undergraduate degree in Communication I decided to continue and receive my masters degree. I had various marketing jobs before living in Boise, Idaho for 2 years with my husband, James. We began doing freelance marketing work in hopes of traveling full time. James passed away at age 27. Since then, I have taken my work on the road with me and have been traveling the world. I decided even though this horrific thing has happened to me, I will still live. It's not what happens to you in life, it's how you chose to react that defines you.


Death of Husband Led Her to Stop Fearing Life

The word “fear”. Take a moment to think about what fear means to you. To me, the word brings up a million different images. To most, it means that they are afraid of something: afraid to speak in public, or scared and nervous to try something new, which is often actually a fear of failure. To me, fear means that I am not stepping outside of my comfort zone and I am not taking healthy chances. All changes, all goals and all life choices are the result of looking fear in the face. Fear causes people not to live. That […]

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I Became a 26-Year-Old Widow

Life throws everybody curve balls. They can be minimal, or heartbreaking, but they are unexpected. On the morning of December 31st, 2016, I would never imagine that it would be the last time I would wake up next to my husband, James.  I would never believe that our last kiss was when the clock struck midnight while we celebrated the New Year’s entrance. My wonderful husband passed away just a few hours after that kiss. He died instantly without any warning.  I had no idea I was watching him take his last breath. I could write a full book on […]

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