Maggie Bauer

My journey beyond the pain of loss has been a life long one. I have had a significant amount of loss including influential people and loved pets along with moving several times over the last decade. The most traumatic death was the death of my beloved big brother and only sibling when he died by suicide in August of 2012. Maggie is Chris' little sister and a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist and Educator® who has spoken to hundreds of people about dealing with grief and her experiences with sibling loss. She has also been the sibling loss facilitator for the Minneapolis chapter of Compassionate Friends for 6 years. She lives on a 32-acre farm with her fiancé and a multitude of farm animals.


The Decade Difference: Ten Years After a Suicide

The Difference in a Decade In the beginning, I didn’t know how I was going to survive to the next day. My first thought when I awoke was, oh no […]

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