Mershon Niesner

Mershon Niesner has a background as a Certified Life Coach, child welfare social worker, marketing/communications entrepreneur, freelance writer, and author. Mershon lost her mother at eight-years-old and was widowed at fifty-five. Her mission is to help other women who have experienced loss move forward in a healthy way. In addition to her own experience, Mershon interviewed over fifty motherless daughters for her book, Mom’s Gone, Now What? Ten Steps to Help Daughters Move Forward After Loss. Between them, Mershon and her husband have six children, nineteen grandchildren, and nine great-grands.


Dear Motherless Daughter: As Mother’s Day Approaches

Dear Motherless Daughter, You’re probably not looking forward to Mother’s Day this year—or any year. I’ve been motherless since I was eight and I still don’t look forward to Mother’s Day. Even when my children were young and celebrated me with handmade cards and burnt toast, I still felt sad that I wasn’t able to personally celebrate with my mom. When I was a kid, my dad and I planted window boxes for my mother on Mother’s Day. The colorful boxes sat under the two windows at the front of our modest, post-war bungalow in Nebraska. Ever since, flowers have […]

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Accepting the Hand You’re Dealt

Bitter or Better “You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate. It belongs to YOU.” —Josh Shipp, youth motivational speaker Actor Christopher Reeve once said, “You play the hand your dealt. I think the game’s worthwhile.” Considering his paralysis following a severe spinal cord injury, this quote carries much weight. As we learn to accept the hand we are dealt, we move beyond the pain […]

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