Patrick J. Murphy

Patrick Murphy and his wife of 18 years, Debbie, are the parents of three girls and two boys. Patrick is a Chartered Financial Analyst covering smallcap stocks and has a Masters in Finance from St. Louis University and a BA in Economics from the University of Notre Dame. “She must be” is the story of the life and spirit of Patrick’s 4 ½-year-old daughter, Margot, who drowned on a float trip outside St. Louis in May of 2009.


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Father Learns to ‘Walk On’ after Daughter’s Drowning

Margaret Olivia Murphy arrived in the world in the typical manner on December 30, 2004, and she drowned on a float trip on May 24, 2009.  Although dreadfully limited in quantity, Margot’s 1,972 days on earth had a special velocity to them as she made an enduring impression on countless people and places. Her curled fire-red hair, beautiful blue eyes, contagious smile, unbridled joyfulness, outsized confidence and natural strut turned heads wherever she went. Margot’s loving nature was a gift beyond description to those blessed to know her well.  There was something electric about Margot – like you could see […]

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