Phil Rich

Phil Rich holds a master’s degree in social work and a doctorate in behavioral studies, and has been a licensed independent clinical social worker for almost 40 years. Phil is an experienced individual, group, and family therapist, and has supervised and trained multiple clinicians. He has been a program or clinical director of numerous treatment programs, including outpatient, inpatient, and residential treatment, and in addition has authored multiple books, chapters, and articles.


Open to  hope

Understanding Grief is a First Step

Grief is an inevitable part of life. Philosophical musings about life and death probably don’t help much, and you may be finding that the support and comfort offered by family and friends isn’t helping you work through the pain you’re feeling. So what can help?  First, it can help to develop an understanding of the grief process that most people in your situation experience. Even though every loss is unique, and each person irreplaceable, there are some common phases to the mourning process. If you understand these “stages” of grief, you’ll see that you aren’t alone in your confusion, turmoil, […]

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Our Loved One’s Possessions

There’s more to your loved one than you can write in a short biography or character sketch. As you recollect the person after their death, think about your loved one’s possessions and activites. Recreational or fun activities, the choice of clothing, or the kind or photographs and pictures put up around the house. These are things that are indirect representations of your loved one. They are the mirrors of your loved one’s life – the things that captured his or her essence. That’s why a favorite briefcase, an old stuffed animal, a much-read book, or a collection of comic books […]

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Open to  hope

Does Talking About Grief Help?

Does talking about grief help? Any time you pick up a book that deals with psychology or self-improvement, or you listen to a therapist, you hear the idea that it’s important for you to express your feelings and put your thoughts into words. Why? Talking about things that bother or affect us doesn’t change a thing in the world around us. In fact, it’s not at all unusual to hear people ask, “What is the point of talking about ‘it,’ if talking about it doesn’t change it?” It’s not that self-expression – talking about grief – changes the world. It […]

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