Rabbi Daniel Roberts

Rabbi Daniel A. Roberts, DD, DMin, FT, is rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu El in Cleveland, Ohio, where he served for 35 years. Rabbi Roberts received his ordination from Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati (1969) and his DMin from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary where his thesis was on comforting the mourner. He earned a Fellow in Thanatology Certification awarded by the Association for Death Education and Counseling and is its immediate past treasurer. Throughout his career Rabbi Roberts has been intrigued with the field of Thanatology. Rabbi Roberts has contributed to numerous books, His latest book is Clergy Retirement: Every Ending is a New Beginning (published by Baywood Publishing).


By Adversity Our Hearts Are Made Better: How Loss May Strengthen Us

It was so ironic that as I was flying home on a wonderful United Airlines flight at some 300 mph from the ADEC (Association of Death Education and Counseling) conference, I was reading David McCullough’s book, The Wright Brothers.  It is ironic because the conference had a lot to do about sharing the best of the recent bereavement theories and about hope being a powerful tool. As I sat on the plane reading this book, I remembered someone at the conference mentioning that one deals with falling seven times by getting up for an eighth time.  The story of the […]

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