Sheena Sarles

Sheena Nancy Sarles is a lifelong student of well-being, a certified Yoga teacher, and a world wide presenter of her created and curated Yoga for Living with Loss™. The losses of her parents, sister, and best friend led her to integrate her yoga practice with her grief. From grief workshops in writing and loss, it became apparent that while grief breaks our hearts, and clouds our thoughts, it also congests in our bodies. She was asked to create a yoga class for healing grief. She deeply understands that grief is not healed. We learn to live with our grief. Sheena created Yoga for Living with Loss using the foundation of the the chakrahs, energy centers in our bodies, to bring yoga to the bereaved. She continues to study with many teachers internationally to study the healing relationship of our bodies, minds, and spirits. She has been a teacher, a communications and fundraising profession, is the author of “Growing Younger Gracefully: Your Guide to Aging with Vitality, Resilience, and Pizzazz” and creator of GYG Organic Facial and Body Serums™. She has been teaches internationally and has been published in a variety of publications. She spends her time in ‘Marblehead, MA, Sausilito, CA, and Ubud, CA. More information is available at


Grief Can Take Our Breath Away. Bring Yours Back.

Our grief literally takes our breath away. We weep so hard that we cannot breath.  We meet the shock of our loss with a gasp, a gap in our breathing. A lump in our throat blocks our natural rhythm. Our breath is our voluntary and involuntary link to life itself. It is what keeps us alive, and the loss of breath is what takes our loved one away.  Our ever-present breath can help us to navigate this difficult journey of grief and mourning. Grief is our immediate response to our deep loss. Mourning is our ongoing and endless process of […]

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