Sheena Matos

Sheena Matos is a freelance writer who has been through a lot of loss. Her father died when he was 46, and she had a miscarriage when she was 11 weeks pregnant. She is happily married and mother of a 2-year-old daughter. She considers herself a “woman with a wounded heart who can help others know that they are not alone.” Reach her at


Open to  hope

Does Grief End? Hearing the ‘Voice’ of My Father

When I was fifteen years old, my daddy passed away of a massive heart attack. I was at school and got called to the office to hear the most horrifying news of my life on the telephone. The voice on the other end was a lady co-worker of his; she told me he had dropped while at work. After falling to my knees, I broke into tears. I soon collected myself enough to call my momma and give her the news. Arriving at the hospital and seeing him on life support felt as if I were in a dream. How […]

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