Susan Kaden

Susan’s experience: She has a bachelors from NYU school of education. She is a 2008 graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition through Columbia University Teachers College. She also received cancer coaching training from She has coached many individuals to live their best lives, led workshops to high school classes, and inspired people working at corporate offices creating her own unique, “Wellness at Work” program to help busy executives manage their hectic lifestyles while transitioning into a healthier way of life. In addition to her work, Susan shares a wonderful life with her two daughters and dog, Harley. Her passions are exercising and enjoying quality time with family and friends.


Managing A Death Anniversary

After losing my husband to brain cancer last year, I was often warned about the one-year anniversary of losing a loved one. The Death Anniversary. I was no stranger to this feeling; I had lost my father when I was a kid and my mother passed away the year before last… except this time was different. This time it wasn’t just me I had to worry about, but how my kids would handle it too. As the day approached I experienced many different emotions, as did those around me. After coping with the day, I now have some wisdom to […]

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