Tracey Wallace

Tracey is the Head of Brand Marketing at Eterneva, where she works to re-shape the conversation around death, dying, and grief, and remove the stigma around having the hard, vulnerable conversations necessary to die and grieve well. She is also the Founder of Doris Sleep, a brand that sell eco-friendly and machine-washable bed pillows. Her background is in content marketing, SEO, partner marketing, and business development. She is most passionate about connecting the dots across various disciplines to reveal overarching trends mirroring our humanity back to us. Tracey has written for: The Battalion, Texas A&M’s student newspaper, where she was dubbed the Aggie Maureen Dowd. She’s worked for NaturallyCurly (since acquired by Essence Magazine), Shoptiques, the first ever fashion brand to graduate from Y-Combinator, BigCommerce, where she grew content organic traffic to more than half a million sessions a month, among others. You can find her work in 2PM, ELLE Magazine, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Mashable, and Eterneva. Tracey lives in Austin, Texas, with her wife Rachel and fur baby Idgy. You can follow her at @TraceWall on Twitter.


A Statistical Look at Grief: Markers on a Lonely Journey

Throw the stages of grief out the window. They simply can’t be trusted. If you are like me, or most people who are grieving in any way shape or form, the stages of grief aren’t’ stages at all. They can happen all at once, and whenever they want –– from the moment the loss happens to 10 or 50 years later.  The reality is that loss is cyclical. The grief of it never goes away –– it’s just that in the “new normal” you find in which grief will always live, so too lives joy and love and passion.  Of […]

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A Southern Baptist Family’s First Cremation

By 2040, they say more than 80% of Americans will be cremated. Also, more than 53% of us choose that over burial. And while for some this may seem normal and natural, for others, like my Southern Baptist family, this is a huge shift. On July 2, 2015, my stepfather had a massive heart attack while driving back to work from his lunch break. He pulled over to the side of the road, and died. It would be hours until we could find him, given he’d chosen a route on a backcountry road rather than a highway. His death sent […]

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