Wendy Van de Poll

Wendy Van de Poll, MS, CEOL is pioneering leader in the field of pet loss grief support. She is a Certified End of Life and Pet Grief Support Coach; she is the founder of The Center for Pet Loss Grief and an international best selling and award-winning author and speaker. In her practice she provides a safe place for dedicated pet parents and pet professionals who want support and guidance with pet loss grief, hospice for pets and when coping with the loss of their pet. Wendy is dedicated to providing a safe place for her clients to express their grief over the loss of their pets by utilizing the coach approach and walking the journey of pet grief support with them. Her passion to help people when they are grieving over the loss of a pet and her larger than life love for animals has lead her to devote her life to the mission of increasing the quality of life between animals and people no matter what stage they are in their cycle of life! What makes Wendy successful with her clients is that she gets grief! Because of her own personal and coaching expertise, and being a sought after speaker she has helped 1000’s of people find happiness around the world. She is the creator of Certified Pet Loss Grief Mentor and Pet Loss Specialist certification programs. Wendy is a Certified End of Life and Pet Loss Grief Coach. She holds a Master’s of Science degree in Wolf Ecology and Behavior and has run with wild wolves in Minnesota, coyotes in Massachusetts and foxes in her backyard. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist for Humans, Horses and Hounds. She currently has a Zoom, and phone practice providing End of Life and Pet Grief Support Coaching, Energy Healing for animals, and Animal Mediumship. • Facebook Center for Pet Loss Grief www.facebook.com/centerforpetlossgrief • Amazon https://amazon.com/author/wendyvandepoll


Open to  hope

Five Common Pet Loss Grief Myths

Would you like more support with your pet loss journey? Are people saying things to you that don’t make sense or feel supportive? If so, it is important to consider the common pet loss myths on your healing journey. We have many pre-conceived ideas as to what death is about and how we “should” react to it or dread it. No matter where you are with your beliefs, it is important to approach these myths with an openness and willingness to heal. The key to making these myths help you is to be aware of them, know how you feel about […]

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