Yvonne Lancaster

Born in Worcester, MA, Yvonne is a former newspaper columnist and is the recipient of numerous writing awards from United Press International, Massachusetts Press Association and New England Press Association for her column From the Heart. Currently, she writes short stories, poetry and is a still life painter. She is co-author of Every Step of the Way: How Four Mother’s Coped with Child Loss (2006) and From the Heart, Sketches from Life (1985). She was named Woman of the Year by the Business and Professional Women of America. She is currently working on her first novel. Her website is http://www.yvonnelancaster.com.


Open to  hope

Discovering the ‘Christmas Valentine’

By Yvonne E. Lancaster On December 22, 1986, our son Brian was killed by a drunk driver. We buried him two days later on Christmas Eve.  Brian was 19 years old and a sophomore in college.  All of his dreams and aspirations to become a marine biologist and hopefully a husband and father someday, were dashed in a split second. Brian’s tragic accident was followed by intense grieving and mourning during the holiday season. Our world stood still, our lives flash-frozen in time.  Life would forever have two phases — life before Brian and life after Brian. Brian was full […]

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Open to  hope

Last Conversation With Son is Deep, Loving

By Yvonne E. Lancaster — Coming home was a tough time of day. It signaled the end of the occupational work day, and the beginning of the personal work evening…preparing dinner, doing laundry, taxiing kids, whatever else kept me going until 11 p.m. My 5 p.m. homecoming blues had often been softened by seeing my oldest son Brian’s familiar dark blue Chevy Citation sitting in the driveway. His bumper stickers read: “Free the Beaches” and “Save the Whales.”  My heart was always warmed to know I’d raised a son who was a caring person. As I deftly balanced grocery bags, […]

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