Dear Katie,
Losing you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. It broke me into a million pieces, but I knew you didn’t want me to stay in that dark and painful place. I decided that I wanted to live like you did. I want to live with passion and purpose and be the kind-hearted person that you were.
You are my guide and my teacher and you have made me a better person. While not a day that goes by without some pain and sadness, you have have taught me more than I ever thought possible.
Because of you, I learned that becoming a mom is the greatest privilege of all.
Because of you, I learned that life is gift, no matter how hard it is and that I can choose to treat it as such or throw it away.
Because of you, I learned that love is a precious gift. I now try to love everyone and everything, just like you did.
Because of you, I will cherish the good memories and carry them with me forever.
Because of you, I learned that nothing in life is permanent. I will love hard and I will love deep.
Because of you, I learned patience and gentleness.
Because of you, I learned about heaven. Heaven is not way up in the sky, but all around us and I know you are only a whisper away.
Because of you, I now speak up for what’s important, do the right thing, and offer a hand up to those who need it.
Because of you, I have learned to let go of the pain so that I could make room for peace.
Because of you, I will pursue my dreams and travel the world, just as you dreamed of doing.
Because of you, I believe in angels and the afterlife and know that I will see you again one day.
Because of you, I know that love never dies.
Because of you, I will look for the good, just like you did. If I can’t see the good, I will make the good.
Because of you, I live from a deeper place.
Because of you, I try to be fully present in my life.
Because of you, I take loads of pictures and videos now.
Because of you, I take nothing for granted.
Because of you, I have learned to be stronger than I ever imagined.
Because of you, I learned to live large, laugh loud, and live with passion.
Because of you, our family is closer and stronger than ever.
Because of you, I know that grief is really love.
Because of you, I learned that living and loving is a choice and that those things fill our lives with meaning.
Because of you, I learned that there is life beyond loss and in time it can be filled with joy and laughter again.
It is an honor and privilege to be your mom and I look forward to the day that I will get to see you and hold you again. Thank you for all that you have taught me.
XO Mom
It’s beyond my understanding how such loss can provide such grace. These words provide a glimpse of grace I have never known. I love the perspective and honour the love.
The most beautiful
Letter ever I lost One my most Gifts Cod has Gifted Me in my Life My Precious Daughter Dec. 10 2020 I Am So Lost Without My Beautiful Baby Girl Shawn. GOD Please Help Me
We just lost our beautiful daughter Julia Marie BOEHM DeDelva May 17, 2022. 07/21/1975 – 05/17/22 Julia was 46, had a loving husband, three sons, one daughter, three grandchildren and a grandchild three weeks from birth. Julia had six sisters and numerous nieces and nephews. Julia had only been ill for four days before her passing away at home as her husband was at work. It was, and still is such a shock to all family and friends. A child is not supposed to pass before a parent. I know there is a higher power making these decisions but I have trouble with wondering why God would want to take a wonderful daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and best friend from a needing family instead of murderers, rapists, terrorists. Julia had so many items on her bucket list to accomplish with her family. Sometimes life just isn’t fair. For people that are weak it tests their faith. I love you and miss you Julia Marie. Dad
May I use this letter to give to my niece who’s baby died last year? She is suffering terribly and I need to find something to help her find her peace again!
If I can I would be very grateful,
Love & my heartfelt condolences for your devastating loss ,
Hi Katie,
My beautiful Caroline left us almost a year ago June 15th, I still send her a FB message every day. I want to send her a small message of yours, its suits so well, thank you, Rob Celliers……..Message: Because of you, I learned about heaven. Heaven is not way up in the sky, but all around us and I know you are only a whisper away.
Thanks for the encouraging words, mourning the loss of a child is not easy. My daughter Maria Sarah 31yrs passed on 8th June 2023 suddenly,and what hurts me the more that the cause of her death was not medically certied!
I want to white about her but i have failed
Me too, still can’t move of losing my only one daughter. Its too early for her. She has a lot of dream and i still have a lot of dream for her.
My Name is s Kelvin Neal I lost a son in 2015 an a daughter in 2018 a nightmare that never ends..But God