Here’s how to create a memory box to celebrate the life of your loved one. Invite your family and friends to join in too. Place any special memento inside that you and your loved one shared. Or write notes to your loved one about the things you would like to share with them about what you have been up to lately.

Elephant Memory Box

Prep Time: 1-2 Hours

Grade Level: Pre-K & up

Collect Materials

1 plastic coffee can

1-roll of gray duck tape

2-rolls of colored duck tape

1-empty paper towel roll or 2-empty toilet paper rolls


Magic markers


What to Do:

  1. Cover the entire outside of the container with small torn pieces of gray duck tape slightly overlapping each piece of tape.
  2. Take a paper towel roll bend it and tape in that position.
  3. Cover the paper towel roll with gray duck tape.
  4. Attach the trunk to the front of the can using duck tape.
  5. Make two ears by making a v-shape then taping the center of the v together.
  6. Attach the ears with duck tape to the side of the can.
  7. Cover lid with gray duck tape.
  8. Draw and cut out two big eyes out of the colored duck tape.
  9. Draw with a black magic marker the pupils for the eyes.
  10. Draw a mouth or a smile on one of the colored duck tapes and cut it out.
  11. Attach the mouth just under the trunk toward the bottom of the can.
  12. Place a colored piece of duck tape on the lid and write your name on it.

Jewel Sample is an award-winning writer of Flying Hugs and Kisses. To learn more about Jewel visit her blog called Jewel of a Book ( to find information on books for kids.

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Jewel Sample

Jewel Sample is a writing grandmother of thirteen children. Sample’s published works include an award-winning children’s book titled, Flying Hugs and Kisses (New Forums Press, Inc; 2010 Second Printing) and Flying Hugs and Kisses Activity Book (New Forums Press, 2010 Second Printing). Hallmark Magazine (November 2007) printed her Heavenly Sugar Cookies story and her favorite sugar cookie recipe. Lastly, a nonfiction story titled, Divine Help and Heaven-Bound Kisses, is in a Christian women's inspirational study guide called, Hugs Bible Reflections for Women (Ferguson, 2009; Howard Books of Simon and Schuster). In her spare time, Jewel loves to go antiquing for old dolls and toys. Most of all, she enjoys the play dates with her grandchildren, who encourage her to tell them a new story before their play date ends. Jewel’s life goal is to inspire children to have hope and to be their very best selves through her story-telling.

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