Why do you think people around the country are so moved by Elizabeth Edwards’ death? What does this tell us about public grief?
People fear death and often see it as a failure or lost battle. For her to die in the presence of her family shows that these were not issues for her. She lived the message of love which is the only thing of permanence and and which can make us immortal.
What do you think the impact will be on her children, especially the younger ones, who are 12 and 10?
The effect is up to what she and the family have taught them and will teach them. Troubles can be God’s redirections and curses can become blessings. My father’s Dad died when he was twelve. As an adult, he said it was one of the best things that happened because it taught him what was important in life was not material things but making life easier for each other.
What do you think will be the impact on John Edwards? After all, prior to his adultery scandal, John and Elizabeth were married for 36 years. They had four children, one of whom died at age 16 in an accident. Is there something here about the impact of child-loss and/or about the grief felt by estranged spouses?
He can feel whatever he decides to feel from guilt to love. It is not a coincidence that disease occurs after a loss, and I do believe from my experience as a doctor that her cancer and its progression are related to the death of her child and her husband’s behavior. Studies reveal how genes are affected by loss and loneliness. Women live longer than men, and married men longer than single men, with the same cancers, because of their relationships. This is not about blame, but about the emotional issues in our lives and how they affect our internal chemistry. I hope they healed their past and forgave each other and found peace before she died.
Bernie Siegel 2010