This past week, Elizabeth Edwards passed away. Many articles talked about her struggles in life. I would like to take a moment and discuss her triumphs.
Elizabeth Edwards thrived in the face of adversity. In her own words: “Either you push forward with the things that you were doing yesterday or you start dying,” she said. “If I had given up everything that my life was about … I’d let cancer win before it needed to.”
Eilzabeth recognized that at some point the cancer would win. However, she was determined to live her life fully before that happened. She had the fortitude, courage and resilience to step forward into life. She also used these traits and way of thinking in the other areas of her life where there was heartache and sorrow. She learned to heal, and healing often involves hurting more right now in order to someday hurt less.
It is what she did with the time that helped her heal and to move forward in her life. Here is a quote from one of her friends: “Elizabeth did not want people to say she lost her battle with cancer. The battle was about living a good life and that she won.”
Elizabeth Edwards was triumphant in living her life on her terms, and an inspiration to all of us.