Are you struggling after the death of your child? Is the pain so great that you don’t know how you will survive? Join hosts, Dr. Gloria Horsley and her daughter Dr. Heidi Horsley, along with their guests Johnny Sirpilla and Stephen Panus, as they speak candidly about their own experience of child loss, and how they not only survived, but eventually found hope. Johnny is a seasoned executive leader with a dynamic 30 year career. His life changed, and his mission emerged after the death of his triplets, two sons and a daughter. Johnny;s book “Life is Hard but I’ll be O.K.” was inspired by these deaths. Stephen Panus has had many titles, including attorney, and sports agent. He is the C.E.O. of Twisted Hair, a marketing and P.R. agency. His life took a tragic turn, when his 16 year old son, was suddenly killed as a passenger in a reckless car crash. Stephen has written the book, “Walk On,” which was selected as the Good Morning America Book Club Buzz Pick.

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