Grief comes in many forms, and on this show we will talk about the groundbreaking book “Faces of Grief.” Join Dr. Heidi Horsley and Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki, to discuss Faces of Grief. Joining them are Bill Correll, Jan Jeremias, Carin Mikos, and Kate Mollison. Co-host Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki is a somatic therapist, who started SIBS online, a weekly peer support group. Bill Correll has a podcast called Lightening the Candle: A World the Works.” Jan Jeremias, is the best selling author of “Spoil Your Pet: A Practical Guide to Using Essential Oils in Dogs and Cats.” Carin Mikos is the creator of Quietus House, and podcast host of In the Gap. Kate Mollison is CEO of “On Tuesdays We Wear Black.” All the guests along with our co-host have written a chapter in the book, “Faces of Grief.”