What does the next chapter look like after a spouse loss? Join hosts Dr. Gloria Horsley and her daughter Dr. Heidi Horsley with their guests; Dr. Eric Brewer and Dr. Jill Harrington to discuss life after spouse loss. Dr. Eric Brewer is the Founder and Senior Pastor of “Transform Church Global Ministries” and the author of From Grief to Growth. His wife Holly died of Covid-19, and he has since remarried Tiffany Brewer. Eric founded and leads a national weekly support group for black widowers. Dr. Jill Harrington is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at Marymount University. Her husband Andrew was on a military duty assignment when he died suddenly, leaving her with two young children to raise. Jill has since gotten engaged to David Carey. Jill serves on the advisory board of Hospice Foundation of America, Autism, and Grief Program and the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). She is the creator and editor of Superhero Grief: The Transformative Power of Loss.
Tags: Dr. Eric Brewer, Dr. Jill Harrington, From Grief to Growth, Marymount University, Superhero Grief: The Transformative Power of Loss, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Transform Church Global Ministries