There are a myriad of reasons why people decide to take their own lives, although there is a preponderance of suicides due to mental illness, maybe even as high as 90%. What about the other 10%? These are people who may have found themselves depressed due to a certain event or set of circumstances; perhaps experienced a temporary imbalance that escalated due to medication fluctuations; or even faced a temporary (but seemingly permanent) problem for which he/she was unable to see a good resolution or one which was tolerable to him or her. It is the loss survivors of the latter group to whom this book is mostly addressed.
A suicide survivor is left with many questions and, usually, a lot of guilt, albeit misplaced upon him/herself. It is through deep introspective thought that some of the answers or resolutions can be found.
Through an essay format, this book muses and asks questions about life and death and delves more deeply into the act of suicide. It also includes the personal stories of survivors of suicide and how they each found a way to cope with the loss of their loved one. Additionally, 25 actionable tips and thoughts on how a mourner can cope with grief on a personal level are included.
Available in digital format via Amazon and Barnes and Noble.