God’s Greatest Work of Art
If a picture is worth a thousand words
And nothing worthwhile is ever lost
Then what is the value of memories
For those who paid the highest cost?
When a parent loses a child
Words become a useless tool
There is nothing to be said to undo the hurt
And feeble attempts are only cruel
A hug heart to heart in warm embrace
Surpasses any useless phrase
Shared tears and shared memories
More healing than funeral sprays
A photograph is a moment in time
And sometimes it can capture our soul
A place we can find solace in memories
To fill an empty hole
The triggered memories are priceless
For in a flood of tears we cannot see
And we must travel inward
to seek one’s own empathy
To empathize with ourselves
For the heart can heal all things
We all have what it takes…
A song bird is meant to sing
Our hearts are the greatest gift
That lies within our grasp
To endure the clinging agony
And find some peace at last
We must make new memories
That can only glorify the old
We can use our heart to heal ourselves
Our story must be told
Our grief should not be a secret
Death is not a curse
Living life without Joy
Is an existence so much worse
Brighten up someone else’s day
It will illuminate you own
And plant the seeds of destiny
That has a purpose and should be sown
Yes a picture is worth a thousand words
So share those pictures from your heart
Filibuster your child’s life to one and all
They are God’s greatest work of art. MC/9/09
Tags: grief, hope