God’s Greatest Work of Art

If a picture is worth a thousand words

And nothing worthwhile is ever lost

Then what is the value of memories

For those who paid the highest cost?

When a parent loses a child

Words become a useless tool

There is nothing to be said to undo the hurt

And feeble attempts are only cruel

A hug heart to heart in warm embrace

Surpasses any useless phrase

Shared tears and shared memories

More healing than funeral sprays

A photograph is a moment in time

And sometimes it can capture our soul

A place we can find solace in memories

To fill an empty hole

The triggered memories are priceless

For in a flood of tears we cannot see

And we must travel inward

to seek one’s own empathy

To empathize with ourselves

For the heart can heal all things

We all have what it takes…

A song bird is meant to sing

Our hearts are the greatest gift

That lies within our grasp

To endure the clinging agony

And find some peace at last

We must make new memories

That can only glorify the old

We can use our heart to heal ourselves

Our story must be told

Our grief should not be a secret

Death is not a curse

Living life without Joy

Is an existence so much worse

Brighten up someone else’s day

It will illuminate you own

And plant the seeds of destiny

That has a purpose and should be sown

Yes a picture is worth a thousand words

So share those pictures from your heart

Filibuster your child’s life to one and all

They are God’s greatest work of art.                     MC/9/09

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Mitch Carmody

After suffering many familial losses from a young age and ultimately with the death of his nine-year-old son of cancer in 1987, Mitch Carmody, has struggled with the grief journey and how grief is processed and perceived in this country. He published a book in 2002 called “Letters To My Son, a journey through grief." The book has now reached the bereaved in every state and 7 other countries. From the book’s success he now travels locally and around the country lecturing on the grief process and/or conducting workshops on surviving the loss of a loved one. He has also conducted a variety of workshops with The Compassionate Friends and Bereaved Parents USA as well as a sought after speaker for many keynote presentations. As a trained hospice volunteer, he has also helped many loved ones and their families through the dying process. Mitch has published several articles in national bereavement periodicals, is a frequent contributor to TCF Atlanta On-line and currently a staff writer for Living with Loss Magazine. Through email correspondence on his website he council’s the bereaved on a daily basis. Since the death of his son 19 years ago, Mitch has dedicated his life to helping those individuals and families whom are trying to navigate in the uncharted territory of death, dying and the bereavement process. Through his compassionate insight and gentle spirit he will touch your heart and hopefully give you tools to aid you on your journey Mitch lives in rural Minnesota with my wife of thirty years, he enjoys riding my horses, gardening, writing, helping others, giving blood monthly and creating works of art. He is also a proud first time grandfather to the daughter of their surviving daughter Meagan. To learn more about Mitch and his work, go to: www.HeartlightStudios.net. Mitch appeared on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” discussing “Letters From My Son.” To hear Mitch being interviewed on this show by Dr. Gloria and Dr. Heidi Horsley, click on the following link: www.voiceamericapd.com/health/010157/horsley042706.mp3 Mitch appeared again on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” discussing the Holidays, Helpful or Hurtful? To hear Mitch interviewed by Dr. Gloria & Dr. Heidi Horsley, click on the following link: www.voiceamericapd.com/health/010157/horsley122508.mp3

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