Monique Antionette’s book, Grateful for Grief: Seasons of Transformation, is available on her website.

Monique Antoinette
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Monique Antoinette is a new author who fell in love with her grief after the suicide of her only son. As a Life Coach she continues to inspire people to follow the grief experience created especially for them through Transformative Grief Conversations. In other life areas she encourages her clients to transform their lives by first honoring the truth about who they really are, not apologizing for it, then deliberately creating a ridiculously, beautiful life from that point. Monique Antoinette, a creative entrepreneur is also the owner of a new specialty dessert company With her culinary skills she has created America’s New Dessert, “The Cobbler Cookie Collection.” This new dessert delivers comfort and healing to the soul. This new venture sprang forth during her ride with grief.