One of the most miraculous experiences for me as I worked through great loss was finding out that we are loved – and accepted – so fully, so completely, that there is nothing left to forgive! This is true for all of us, and that is why I wrote my book, From Grief to Joy – because the challenges I’ve faced are universal. We all have our mountains to climb, both inner and outer. No one is exempt.
Life is a school, and what we learn through that school are the lessons we are ready for, things we could not really know until we lived through them. I’m talking about experiential knowledge, not just head knowledge. “They” say you don’t really know something until you become it. “They” are right. And that is how I found out that relationships change, but they do not end. Physical death is definitely not the end of the story.
Our trials and tribulations are so rich with promise. It may not seem like it at the time, but they are. Nothing is ever wasted. The potential for growth – and new life – is hidden in even the most difficult of situations. Especially in the most difficult ones, because all things do indeed come bearing a gift, if we can just hang in there long enough to find it.
It helps if we can accept and embrace what is. That means being open enough to let go of judgment – of yourself, and others, and even the challenge itself. That means letting go of our expectations so we can be open to the higher plan. Surrender fits well here. Not my will, but Thine.
Eventually you find out that your life isn’t just about you. It’s about all of us. That means wanting for others the same things we yearn for so deeply. May we all be blessed.
It’s been quite a journey. The more I’ve learned, the more convinced I am that life isn’t about “things.” It’s about being your highest and best.