My late wife Ely passed away on March 19 after a long illness suffering from Cardiomyopathy. We have been together for almost 30 years and have never separated.

Since her death, I almost went to the graveyard to visit her everyday in spite of looking at the slideshow at home all day of all the beautiful photos including the ones she was in the casket at the funeral service. I was scared to go outside since the day she passed away other than going to the graveyard. I was so used to be with her all my life seeing the phases from being beautiful, intellectual and healthy to the last minute of her life by her death bed.

I find it extremely difficult to accept that everything is now behind me. She has always been my soulmate and I spent my heart and soul in my waking hour and every ounce of my energy in the care of her throughtout her life. Now that she is gone and I felt meaningless to me as though I have no useful purpose in life without her. I really wish I could lie beside her as we have our graves side by side and the marker bearing both names.

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