Christa Scalies is interviewed by Drs. Gloria and Heidi Horsley during this special episode of The Open to Hope Radio show. Scalies lost two friends to suicide, which is the foundation for her book Suicide Sucks, available to download for free. In her book, Scalies outlines ten steps to help with holistic recovery after losing a loved one to suicide, including mental, spiritual and physical nurturing. Scalies is adamant that learning to laugh once again is paramount, but that’s an occurrence that can make survivors feel guilty. She established the website GiggleOn to help others recover from their grief.
She uses humor and laughter to transcend guilt and “what if’s.” Sadly, Scalies notes that the man who encouraged her to start the site, and gave her the name, later killed himself—following in the footsteps of Scalies other friend who took his own life. Gloria asks Scalies for key advice on helping to cope with losing someone to suicide, and Scalies says “There has been no death that has ripped my heart out…like a death by suicide,” she says.
Doing the Best You Can
It’s difficult to accept that you’ve done everything you can and say “this is not my fault,” but the person who committed suicide made their own choice. It’s critical to separate yourself from any feelings of guilt, she says. “Don’t live in the past with that pain,” instead start looking forward to joy and hope. “It’s horrible, and I’m so sorry,” she says, but you have to find the ability to move forward.
She suggests connecting yourself to nature, which can help battle negative energies. She’s also a big supporter of working out if possible. Grief can kill, making people physically ill—but sometimes light exercise can help stave off these risks. Download Scalies book for more tips and to get on a better track to healing.