Barbara Roberts’ book, Helping Those Who Hurt: A Handbook for Caring and Crisis, is available at

Barbara Roberts

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BARBARA M. ROBERTS has a degree in pastoral care and family counseling from Regis University, and she has been in the field of caring for those who hurt for many years. Her teaching and speaking, as well as one-on-one caregiving and pastoral counseling, have given her broad experience and exposure to the needs of others. "Listening, sharing in another's pain, and being privileged to pray with that person is a gift that God has given to me. I am blessed to be able to use the gift for what I hope continues to be to His glory." Barb was called by God at a very young age. Even as a young girl, her heart desired to know God and to serve Him. She is a Colorado native who grew up in the Denver area and has stayed close to home. In 1961, she married her husband, Ken, and her greatest joys involve her family -- husband, three children, and their amazing spouses, and nine grandchildren.

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