Marla Grant, a grief recovery specialist, speaks on her intentional journey into grief:
Looking back over the years, I can see that by comparison to many, my life has been uncommon. I have outlived three of my five children. That’s a rare and harsh experience. Yet the real surprise is that I am at a loss to call this a tragedy or to assign myself the appellation “bereaved parent.”
I am not the victim of a harsh, capricious world in which divine blessings are bestowed on some, while trial, cruelty, and loss are given to others. I am the architect of my life and the arbiter between an ego world that wants to see me as a victim and a higher self that influences me every day with its call to awakening from this empty illusion we call life in bodies. It’s not possible to die; and I have seen proof.
But I didn’t always believe these truths. I was not always making an intentional journey into grief.
Luckily, I inherited my mother’s pragmatic approach to life and her ever-present optimism. So, when life’s harsh lessons have appeared, I seek wisdom and spiritual growth. Then I get on with the business of living.
— Marla Grant, Tampa, FL, Advanced Grief Recovery Method® Specialist
Founder, Inspired Grief Recovery with Marla
The above was excerpted from Loss, Survive, Thrive: Bereaved Parents Share Their Stories of Healing and Hope eBook
To read another excerpt from the book, see