By Jane Greer —

My goal for the new year is to continue to pass on the power of Afterlife Connection with loved ones who are gone. To let people know that their loved ones are still with them, to teach them the way to connect with them, to educate them to the signs all around them so that they can tune in and feel the healing force of afterlife connection. When you lose a loved one you feel as if your whole world has ended. The struggle to go on is immense and their death is devastating. Knowing that you can still feel their loving energy and their presence in multiple ways plays a vital role in coping with the loss. This is true despite the nature of the relationship you had prior to their passing. Afterlife connection brings you strength to carry on and changes the way you live your life. This is the message I seek to share in this new year.

Dr. Jane Greer is author of the book, The Afterlife Connection: A Therapist Reveals How To Communicate With Departed Loved Ones.

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Jane Greer

Dr. Jane Greer is a nationally known marriage and family therapist in private practice for over twenty years. She is the host of her own weekly radio internet show ”Doctor On Call” at In addition, she is the author of The Afterlife Connection: A Therapist Reveals How to Communicate with Departed Loved Ones by Saint Martin’s Press: Gridlock: Finding The Courage to Move on in Love, Work and Life and How Could You Do This To Me? Learning to Trust After Betrayal both published by Doubleday. She also wrote Adult Sibling Rivalry, published in hardcover by Crown and paperback by Fawcett. Dr. Greer is a Love Network Expert for Redbook Magazine and also wrote the Let’s Talk About Sex advice column for Redbook Magazine online. Her web site is . Dr. Greer has also appeared on The Today Show, The Early Show, Montel, Oprah, Ricki Lake, 20/20, Dateline, Donny & Marie & The View. In addition, she often contributes to USA Today, N.Y. Times, N.Y. Post, Cosmopolitan and Glamour. Dr. Greer’s practice is in Manhattan.

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