What could someone else do to help you as you begin your healing journey? In the beginning, you probably had plenty of food, volumes of cards and a house full of flowers, but what kind of gift would genuinely touch your heart?

When you’ve loved and lost, memories are priceless treasures. What if there are stories about your loved one that you’ve never heard?

The next time a trusted friend asks what they can do to help, ask them to write a favorite memory and send it to you via mail or email. Can you imagine going to your computer or mailbox and discovering a cherished memory or picture you’ve never seen before?

As your treasures arrive, put them together in a scrapbook, memory box or journal. You’ll be reminded of the difference your loved one made not only in your life, but also in the lives of others.

Who might have a memorable story to share? Make a list and begin reaching out to them today.

Excerpted from Grief Survivor.

Learn more about Beth at https://bethgmarshall.com

Read more by Beth on Open to Hope: Writing Mother’s Stories Helps Daughter Handle Loss – Open to Hope

Beth Marshall

Beth Marshall is a freelance journalist, speaker and author of two grief-related books. Grief Survivor, 28 Steps toward Hope and Healing; and A Time to Heal, a grief journal. After losing three close people in her life, Beth felt crushed and overwhelmed by the intense emotions of grief. As she began to write about her "uniquely awesome" family members, Marshall eventually began to smile again- and even laugh. Her hope is to help others discover joy-filled life after loss.

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