I purchased my third Christmas tree since I lost my son Michael in 1998.  I’ve got to admit, this year I felt a little blue and a bit uncaring about the celebrations.  I spent some time acknowledging that I do miss my son.  I also miss my mom, dad, brother-in-law and others who are no longer here. 

And while it would seem that this would be the obvious cause of my blues, I found that it was only a small piece of a larger puzzle.

Since I was still lacking that special ho-ho-ho, I began to check into other factors — relationships, things to do, stress and the like.  I found some issues there, too, and took time to address them.  It helped lift some more weight.  But I still felt something missing.

So then I took my own Zing advice and did a quick check in my mind’s Garage.  Ah ha!  Found something that was bothering me.  It still amazes even me that things still tend to get dumped in there when I stop paying attention.  I talked with my favorite Light Bulb people and went and took care of that piece of this holiday puzzle.

And then I did what everyone should do during the holiday season.  I sat down, for less than 15 minutes, and made a list of all the things I was thankful for in my life then and now.   This was Michael’s gift to me this year.  How?  I learned how to live a whole new life because I lived through the loss of my 17-year old son over 12 years ago. 

Yes…I felt the Zing inside once again.

See, it’s not about what you don’t have during the holidays.  It’s about what you need to let go of during this season of hustle and bustle.  And when you can make room in your mind, you will find that the craziness of the season settles down, and the spirit of giving, loving, and living life will rise and carry you through and right into the new year.

Do someZing amaZing this holiday season.  Make sure you take time to check your Garage, talk with your favorite Light Bulbs and create a little peace and joy in your own heart, mind and soul.

Blessings to you for a peaceful and joyous holiday! 

Ron Villano, M.S., LMHC, ASAC

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Ron Villano

Ron Villano, M.S., LMHC, ASAC is the leading expert in working through change. As a father who lost his 17-year old son in an auto accident, he always speaks from the heart. As a licensed psychotherapist and life coach, he counsels others on how to work through difficult times. As a national speaker and author of The Zing, Ron has appeared before sold-out audiences across the country, hosts his own radio show, and is currently featured on the new Verizon FiOS1 network. His funny, captivating and approachable style creates the powerful, life-changing moments you have been looking for. Embrace the Power of Change in your personal and professional life today! To Listen to Ron's Radio show Click Here Visit www.RonVillano.com to listen to his featured interviews and for additional information.

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