Judy Marquette lost her son on Easter eight years ago. For her, this time of year is especially difficult. Spring sets in and new life is gifted in abundance.  It is a time when families gather to enjoy one another and, depending on religious beliefs, offer tribute to the remembrance and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Given her life-altering loss, Judy’s outlook is remarkable. She has renewed and strengthened her faith in God and learned to live again with purpose in the aftermath.  She has channeled her sorrow into the creative outlet of music.

I interviewed her recently, and this is some of what she had to say. “On Easter Sunday, 2003, my life changed dramatically.  I was notified my son, Steve, had just been killed in a tragic car accident on his way home.  This defined my most devastating and life-changing turning point — the beginning of my journey through the storm of grief.”

Judy continued, “The burial of one’s child is a wrenching alteration of expectations. I lost a part of me, not just my son.  I also lost innocence about life – a security in believing this could never happen to me . I suddenly became vulnerable to pain, to the concept of my own mortality and more importantly vulnerable to the mortality of my loved ones.”

Judy described Steve’s passion, “He lived every moment of his 24 years, because he cherished every day, every minute, and every person with a depth that few could understand.”

She found healing through faith, support and music.  Judy shared, “It’s the message of Jesus Christ, available through the universal language of music that provided me with peace, comfort, and harmony. Messages in songs helped me express and feel love, acknowledge pain, embrace loss, see glimmers of hope, build a deeper relationship with my Lord, and eventually find strength and healing on this painful journey.”

Have a great Easter!

Kathryn Williams


Kathryn Williams Raths

I have always had creative threads of inspirations in my life. I can fall into an oil pastel drawing like the average person falls into a good book. It is a grounding process, allowing me to lose myself in my work, lose track of time and escape the pressures of everyday life. Unfortunately, I have not spent much of my life devoting time to my heart's desire; writing and exploring my creative impulses. I'm a single mom first and I've been a full-time employee in the business world for over the past 20 years. I’ve earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science. I live in the cornfields of Ypsilanti with my 2 sons, who are thirteen and fourteen, and my boyfriend, a wonderful man whom inspires and supports my dreams. During 2008, I had some life-altering experiences which have given me a new perspective and enabled me to reprioritize my responsibilities. I lost my father and my job, both of which I devoted much love and energy to and truly treasured. In the aftermath of my father's death, I reached deep within my core and wrote my book, What Can I Say When Words Escape Me, being present during times of sorrow. I can only hope these words of encouragement and nature photos touch your heart and up lift and hug your soul as they have for me. I currently write for the Examiner.com, Detroit market as a Healthy Living Reporter, http://www.examiner.com/x-27409-Detroit-Healthy-Living-Examiner. I'm grateful for my life's journey thus far and thankful for a nurturing, fulfilling future that enables me to reach out and help others struggling with hardship. http://still-waters-counseling.com/kathryn-raths-m-a-llpc/

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